Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The second station of Danish schools-Favrdalskolen!

Favrdalskolen has 3 big buildings that are seperate from each others and for the pupils from different ages. The roads in the school are a bit complicated to find the right way. But maybe it works about map reading or will be useful for improving brain streets :) Anyway,we met the headmaster of the school who was very kind and like a normal teacher in his casual clothes not in suits.We looked around and saw some classes each of special and normal.

If somebody has disabilty of pyhsical,they are intagreted to normal classes.In normal classes,two teacher are ready to help them.One of them is especially for the special one.That's why they have enough time to be individual and find out the personal way goes solution.Population in the classes can not be more than 25.If I compare this situation to Turkey,we have classes which contains more than 25 pupils as normal. And again in normally we have one teacher each class. Sometimes can be 2 teachers but one of them is here as an assistant.

If somebody has learning disability,they have special classes to be integrated to society.They do not have to learn mathematics,physics,chemistry at all.Teachers try to teach them social skills.In this point,you can realize that the common question is in Denmark 'what can you do for society' and then just do it! you do not have to spend your time to things that you cant do anymore.They know your abilities and learning capasity. Individual system really works!Students in Turkey have to learn all knowledge about all lessons even it wont be useful in the future for their career or job.In speacil classes,curriculum is different than normal schools'.If some special pupils are seperate and in private schools,the teacher have a chance to be individual thus the system works.In public schools,not only pupils who have disabiltiybut also brilliant pupils have not got an useful chance to get educaiton individual way.

There was also another method to take the child who has a problem spesific subject to other special class for intensive courses to overcome the problem.

Materials,paintings,classes without doors,art classes,computers are the other interesting things for me.

To sum up,It was my first experience about special needs education.But it really affected me to search some disabilities abput my branch such as dyscalculia.Great for me...School experience lessons are my favourite;)

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Aesthetic way of learning and teaching...

Music and sport! It was hard to adapt knowledge and practices to my branch in order to improve my skills and give more educaiton to my pupils in the lesson. Even I could not integrate whole information process in aestetic way,I have no doubt about all of them will be useful for me. Actually it will be more different than ours.

What did we do in music class?And how can I adapt these to my branch?

Usually we tried to be in harmony and follow to rythm. Sometimes new songs,dramas,movements that adapted to song were found by us. Composing songs to different face styles is the other activity. In Math, first you have to clean your brain from staffs and unnecessary things. You shoul be relax when you are thinking about problems,examples and theories! Probably,Music is the best way to be meditative. Just let the tunes to open your brain in soft way ! Afterwards,It wont be enough just solving problems and knowing all theories when you can not create or find the other and unknown one to be the best! Play wtih numbers like being harmony all together,think on other possibilities like composing the new song! Before lessons,let the pupils to listen classis music !(I saw it in my practise in Denmark) Finally,maybe not only the sufficient Math lesson but the inconceivable Math lesson will work in my career:) I hope so!

What did we do in Physical education class?How can I adapt these to my branch,too?

Movement! Run ! Jump ! Catch the ball :) Teach your fantasy game... The difference between sport and music class is just teaching the game that you made it with the equipments you selected. Thus the most important thing in Math; create and explain(demonstrate) could be concrete by playing games.

I enjoed these lessons! They influenced me,it means I got the point ;)

Monday, March 8, 2010

About Ribe !

Ribe is the oldest city in Denmark ,that's why we have seen much small and traditional houses with history smell. It was the first time I have ever seen an 'art' school called 'UHR - Ungdomshøjskole ved Ribe' that was amaazing! If ı had a chance to take all classes photo,it would be great. Unfortunately there was a party which they said to it 'eighty's party' can make them a little bit drunk so they locked all the doors until sunday. But I will try to give you fantasy of classes.
First of all,you dont need to be talented of spesific branch of art. It is enough to have desire to do something for them and some money as well. Our friend gives 40.000 krons for each year for education,foods,sheltering and some metarials can be needed.I want to say that it was not like usual schools. They just want to you do something whatever you want. They have lots of leisure time to do something as well. there were many seperate rooms that are open all the days except party days:) with special metarials. It was the most different thing for me if I compare to Turkey. Everywhere is open for them and they are allowed to do whatever they want and use schools' materials without permission. In Turkey,In my opinion because of over-population, schools' rules are very distinct about laboratories or art classes such as dont touch or dont use it etc. The rules make us a bit timorous. The reason why our didactics focus on books and teacher is that. On the other hand, if you are in private school that has not got any money and population diffuculties,you are allowed to do something with your fantasy and just yourself. In Ribe,they have buildings with special classes and rooms in a big area like a little city.Painting rooms,music rooms full of instruments,design rooms,woodwork classes,theatre saloons...The school is for two years and at the age of 15-19. They have computers ( I have already adjusted myself to see this:) ) and internet of course. And weekends 2 responsible teacher stay with them to take care.In their huge saloon there was a piano,pool,table tennis and tv that was called 'lazy people's tv by them. It was funny:)
The other part of our trip was walking in the town and sightseeing. The other first thing that we joined in a ceremony in Cathedral. If we know Danish,it would be better the next time ;) We felt the athmosphere and emotion in the songs except the understanding of text.
Travelling,learning different things,being participant and already adapted of erasmus help me to compare and be aware of the main purposes. Excellent!!